Tower Hill - Note about HMS President

Nobody has reported that as an obstacle. Nor flying under the influence of Litchi.

No more so I’d wager than them questioning VLOS from flight logs.

Not heard of any issues in all my years flying and reading t’internet

Oh, ok, thank you, maybe I’m just a little too legal conscious. I must admit it is a little bit of a bind when DJI stick their choices into my flying :smile:

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I’m not condoning in any way flying against the Drone Code or CAA

But imagine if Tesla or any of the very modern cars had a firmware pushed to them that stopped you driving in areas they thought were unsuitable ?

Yep, I’d be well p**sed off if I couldn’t get to where I wanted to go. This is all new to me so like with most things I tread very carefully until I know I can swim with the big fish :smile:

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The person who added that Tower Bridge location hasn’t logged on to GADC for nearly a year so I’m sure they won’t mind us editing the description details on Drone Scene (and its related cross-post here on the forum).

The description currently says:

Pay & Display parking on Wapping High Street beside Hermitage Riverside Memorial Garden.

Tower Hamlets Council does not permit TOAL from their Parks or Open Spaces, however the Hermitage Riverside Memorial Garden is NOT listed as a Tower Hamlets Park or Open Space. (Source: - checked 9/7/22)

What would you like to change the description to @bmsleight, in order to provide a suitable warning to DJI owners that might be thinking of flying there?

I was proposing a light touch.


Pay & Display parking on Wapping High Street beside Hermitage Riverside Memorial Garden.

Tower Hamlets Council does not permit TOAL from their Parks or Open Spaces, however the Hermitage Riverside Memorial Garden is NOT listed as a Tower Hamlets Park or Open Space. (Source: Parks rules - checked 9/7/22)

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

View and discuss this location in more detail on Grey Arrows.

Co-ordinates: 51.50449, -0.067908 • what3words: ///powder.tamed.cycles
The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 09/07/2022. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.

Add two statements;-

To read as follows:-

Pay & Display parking on Wapping High Street beside Hermitage Riverside Memorial Garden.

Tower Hamlets Council does not permit TOAL from their Parks or Open Spaces, however the Hermitage Riverside Memorial Garden is NOT listed as a Tower Hamlets Park or Open Space. (Source: Parks rules - checked 9/7/22)

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

View and discuss this location in more detail on Grey Arrows. Noting Lost my drone in the drink! and Squeaky bum moment at Tower Bridge.

Co-ordinates: 51.50449, -0.067908 • what3words: ///powder.tamed.cycles
The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 09/07/2022. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location. Especially the nearby HMS President.

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