Vista issue

Iv set it and still nothing can I view the last command as to check its gone in to the program ???

When you typed the command did you get any errors? Did you type save and press enter after before exiting?

I’m gunna have a guess and say you’ve fried the sbus line of the vista.

It’s probably popped that diode as stated above by @SparkyFPV

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yah and it was like it was re-booting ???

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I agree Deano. Do you think its worth Nick trying to hard wire the sbus to a different Uart just incase?

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I’d say not because the issue will be with the vista not the flight controller. At the end of the day the sbus line has had way to much power sent through it.

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Ok so that leaves 2 options.

  1. Try ro get a warranty replacement Vista.
  2. Try removing the protection diode like suggested in the Oscar Liang article.

I mean it might be possible to fix but with me not having a degree in electronics it’s past my level of expertise lol

Maybe @notveryprettyboy or @SparkyFPV can help?

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This I reckon.


with the seller or caddx ???

luckily I still have the box …

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Valuable lesson learned though, always double check your wiring even if it’s a plug connector :+1:t2:

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Normally need to go through the seller to get your warranty claim processed

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Just found this so you might be able to go through caddx

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Just don’t tell them what you did. Just say it stopped working or something


It says in the warranty guff that only DOA parts will be covered due to the nature of the hobby yada yada so best to say it never worked straight out the box but don’t mention that it was wired up wrong with 10V on the Sbus :grimacing:

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I followed the wiring diagram off the net, but thinking about it I have the unit mounted upside down hence why I think wired it back to front :man_facepalming:t4:

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Don’t worry Nick. We’ve ALL blown something up on the bench.

The problem wasn’t with your wiring though it was the plug connector. Did you use the plug wires from the vista or the one that came with your flight controller?

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To be fair you wired up the Vista end correctly Nick, it was the fc end (plug end) that was wrong. But like Deano said you need to get in the habit of checking each end to make sure before powering up :+1:t2:

Im not 100% from the FC I think