Vista issue

It looks like you may have flashed the incorrect firmware. I’d double check and reflash.

just double check as I saved a back up copy of what was on there


Betaflight / STM32F7X2 (S7X2) 4.1.7 May 28 2020 / 15:06:20 (9ba02a587) MSP API: 1.42

manufacturer_id: TMTR board_name: TMOTORF7 custom defaults: YES

People say this is part of the fun for me its like pulling teeth, defo first and last I build it soaks up soooooo much time…

Maybe flash 4.1.7 again and restore it? Its not picking up the stm inputs and outputs. Which says to me the target firmware is wrong :man_shrugging:

Im just trying to load the original via the cli

Type in dfu and press enter. Then do a full firmware flash at 4.1.7 for tmotorf7. Make sure full chip erase is selected

Boom!! and there it is back up and running, mate how do you know stuff ???

Because he is really Joshua Bardwell undercover in one of those rubber face masks, like Gordon Ramsey in ‘24hrs to hell and back’

Has it fixed your aux switches too? :crossed_fingers:t2:

Errr no just back to the beginning but very grateful for his help to date… Cant get my head round it, I have visual, the controller shows its connected to the caddx unit, but switches and sticks don’t work ??..

I wondering if iv soldered something wrong ???.

Are the ports config always the same when using Caddx or do they vary depending which make of board your using ??all soooo frustrating !!

So in your receiver tab none of the bars move when you move the sticks or flick your switches?

Correct :+1:t3:

Have you got a lipo attached when you look at your receiver tab?

In your ports tab in Betaflight have you got the correct uart set to serial rx?

Yah just had a brain wave and plugged in my iflight as to check ports they are 1 & 2 then my Betafpv which are totally different. So I’m assuming T-motor are different again ?

What number was next to the SBUS pad? Look in your flight controller manual and see what UART number the SBUS pad is and that is the number you need to select as the serial RX in the ports tab.

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Your serial rx should be uart 1

Your rx/tx should be uart 3

Just switched them to that and nothing

Just a thought, your sbus wire is yellow the same as your tx wire from your vista. Just check you have the correct wire soldered to the correct pad on your fc