Volunteers requested for testing user research: People with drone-using children or who don't fly a drone

Hi everyone!

Its been a while since we last posted, but, thank you again for all your volunteering so far. We will be in touch in a few weeks with people who volunteered so far to run some sessions across the country.

In the mean time however, we had some specific questions we wanted to ask to people who might look after drones- but not fly them. For example, if you had a drone your child used, or, if you were responsible for drones at work- but had other people flying them.

As such if you don’t fly a drone- but do look after one, could you please respond on this thread and I will get in touch directly.

Thanks, and look forward to talking soon


Look back at the earlier thread (here) for additional information and contact details should you be interested in participating.

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Why would anyone on this site look after, but not fly, a drone?
I think the CAA’s logic behind exploring this here explains the logic behind their decision to extend the NFZs around airports in order to stop people actually flying over them!


XI suppose anyone who has a number of drones, technically “ looks after them”
Because you can’t safely fly more than one.
Bit of Irish logic comes into play here !.
Volunteered to their last request, but, never so much as had a reply email.
Just saying

Hi Paul, this grouping might be parents whose child has a drone, or, employers who are in charge of drone usage, but, have other drone flyers working for them.


If we could keep this thread on topic please:

If you wish to discuss other issues or concerns please start a new thread elsewhere on this forum.

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