What 360 pano software do you use?

I am looking for a free online 360 pano viewer for pc.
I wont both an online viewer and a downloaded software viewer… preferably free!
it needs to be private… dont want public view.
any ideas appreciated.

Hey Bob, it really depends on the type of the file(extention). Insta360 has a good offline software and Adobe Lightroom could be helpfull too.

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Kuula is your best bet, but you need a subscription account for non-public posts.

Also have a look in this thread about using it to post results to GADC.


does this work for mavic 2 panos?

As I said it depends on the file extension. If it’s JPEG it might not work, I use an Insta360 One X cam to record my 360 and use Insta360 software to edit my 360 panos and clips. Kuula is a good software too, but I find it hard to use.

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Really? It’s just as simple as uploading an image and publishing.

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I’d suggest giving PanGazer PanGazer drone panorama viewer a try – it was written specifically to view drone panoramas (for example, it figures out the horizon automatically). And you can extract any view of the panorama to a 2D image, as required.

{Disclaimer: I wrote it.}