Where/How best to attach your CAA Operator ID label?

Hey everyone

Just wondering if people could show me examples of where they have stuck their operator IDs please and what did you use?

I’ve got my operator ID now but don’t have a printer so wondering how best I am to go about ordering it from somewhere.

Thank you

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eBay and along one arm of the M2P.

Moved your post to the thread that has all sorts of info on Operator ID labels.

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I wrote mine out by hand onto a small white sticky label and put it inside my battery compartment.

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I’ve got mine in the battery compartment of my Mavic Air.

I’ve put it lengthways on the top of my Mini and Mini 2 due the bottom of both of these being densely populated with the air vents, sensors and power button

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Spotted Ebay has decal type available with your details printed.


I printed it onto a sticky label and covered it with sellotape


Attached mine to the side where the arms fold on, and because of my OCD attached another one to the other side as well.

As well as one on my controller and battery holder in case I ever misplace anything hopefully can all be retrieved


On my mini 2 the label is on the top of the body so when the mini 2 is on the ground / landing pad, you can see the label. On my FPV it’s a little more tricky but the label is on the top of the left rear arm, again, when the FPV is on the ground the label can be seen.

All per CAA regulations.

Looking through the thread I noticed some of the pictures of where to put Operator ID, taking care to hide it… but some are sitting on nice shiny surfaces :sunglasses::wink::wink: you following me :smirk: like “mirror” shiny :face_with_hand_over_mouth: just a heads up :+1:t2:


Think I’ll be okay, there are flight logs, alibis etc, not sure it will hold up in court :+1::joy: if someone in Scotland flew into an airport and I’m in the SW :man_facepalming:

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Plenty of space for mine, which I printed on glossy paper, sealed with Gorilla tape and glued on with photo mounting spray which can be easily cleaned off.

Slightly concerned about the effect on aerodynamics.

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If you’ve used a bold font it may weigh slightly more and italic may cause the drone to drift to the right, but you should be fine. :smirk:


I think it’s OK unless you use the Impact font, or Wingdings.


Could I add a question to the thread? How and where do people put their registration number on their drone?

Hi @Sawk and welcome to Grey Arrows!

I’ve moved your post to a thread on this very subject.

Have but scroll up, there are lots of suggestions :smiley:


Is it just me or could the CAA precis the funking ID number. I’ve just used a whole 10m of tape to print my ID number 3 times (one for each drone and one spare)…

QUESTION… with the amount of tape needed for the fuvkin essay of an ID number am I allowed an allowance over 249gms. I’ve had to wrap the Mini 2 three times round to get the number to fit.

I may have slightly exaggerated.

Anyone tried reducing the font size?

The font size I believe in the T&C’s has to be a minimum of 3mm tall.

I may of just Made that up though, so don’t quote me.