2018 Fireworks Challenge

And here is the newly shortened version!

(still from a car park in Norwich).


If only it were longer …. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Dave, the Wife says that all the time !:wink:


You mean you don’t want to watch the same bloody fireworks over and over from three not-so-different angles?

Can’t think why…

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Please don’t climb on my shoulders next time !, @UnluckyTimmeh is a lot taller than me, if you want to get more altitude !:wink:

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I think you were the bravest of all three of us. I sent mine up a little way, @UnluckyTimmeh was flying considerably higher, and you sent yours to bugger off god knows where and used RTH to get it back.

For those who wonder about such things though, there was a big difference between the WiFi on the Airs that @chrisjohnbaker and @UnluckyTimmeh were flying, and the Occusync on my MP. Rampant interference problems for both flying the Air. No problems for me at all. Well, other than me being too much of a bloody coward to fly more than 35m straight up.


wish I knew of fireworks events… but nothing planned this time of year - -i’ve never tried to capture fireworks via drone -

My last offering for the Challenge is a still frame

taken from the original 4k video from my Mavic Air, set on 60fps, full auto camera settings, at approx. 77 metres altitude.
Untouched, no correction, no tweaking.
Taken on Friday 2nd November in Ber Street ,Norwich at 7.44pm.
I clearly shows our splendid Castle here in the Centre of Norwich.
To the right is our magnificent Cathedral bathed in orange floodlight, with it 315 foot Spire pointing into the darkness.
If you ever come to Norwich we have several spectacular Buildings that are Floodlit.
If you are ever in Norwich and want a splendid Panoramic view, visit Britannia Road, right in front of the Prison, it is called “Ketts Height’s” , (after Robert Kett).
Yes, it is a NFZ !, for obvious reasons, but, a view of Norwich unlike anywhere else.


Thanks for the entry @chrisjohnbaker :smiley:

The Challenge remains open until Sunday night people, it’s not too late to get an entry in :+1:

There should be plenty of Diwali fireworks between now and the challenge closing! :+1:

Sunday is the only day that wind is low enough to fly :cry:

Don’t believe forecasts!
Forecast issued at 6pm for here? 13mph, gusting 25mph.
Actual wind?


Ooo that’s changed this morning it said Sunday but may be able to get up on Saturday

Wind speed is in m/s

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So I took off with my intention of shooting fireworks at the bath rec (Nov 3), but within 30 seconds of taking off I got a feeling of dread that things were going to go wrong, panicked, hallucinated rain and landed again. Still, got a good 5 seconds of footage out of it! After that, all subsequent visits to fireworks included kids so no droning allowed. Did see suspicious red lights twinkling over Colern display though moving like an allen spaceship…anyone from here claim responsibility??


Slightly beyond my Litchi mission range. :wink:


Very nice shot!! I love it

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No pressure then for those living in Winterfell


Well, after my crap attempt at getting the last 10 seconds of the one display local out of monsoon season I’ve decided to take three stills from that video.
Not what I was hoping to get when I saw this challenge but I’ve done what I can.
Cardiff Golf Club, Cyncoed, Cardiff, 4th ‎November ‎@ ‏‎20:47


Excellent! Another entry :+1:

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