Bambu Lab 3D Printers

Unable to test, sadly or more positively I only have SDS drill bits, and they have a flange exceeding 10mm
So did one with caliper, sorry no other way

No worries, I’d say yours is close enough, I’ll stick with my compensation setting for now…

I was getting 9.6mm totally unusable…

Now on exactly 10mm but I need to retune for 3 day cooled at room temperature.

Let’s see when it’s lit, I’ll be going through my pictures for my first attempt.

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Done a nozzle wipe mod, works great, just needs more testing….

Ordered 8 rolls today for £113, including the 4 cymk for lithophane, I also ordered 4 rolls this Monday and they arrived Tuesday, doing light boxes for family

I bought the 4 CYMK with the printer, just need to get round to decide on which of our pictures to print. Your print looks great though.

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I just order refills now, too many empty reels, and it is so easy to fit the refills

I’ve now got two empty for refill, luckily all my other generic reels fit the AMS.

Had my first AMS error after printing BL own file, it rewound about half of the pullback then locked up. I had to use some force to pull the rest out, powered up and it’s working again….:man_shrugging:

I have a cheap camera fixed under the stairs where my X1C is that looks down on my AMS, so I can see if there are any blockages or rollbacks.
Had one total blockage once, had to dismantle the extruder to free the broken filament, only took a ten minutes total

The file I printed was obviously men’t for the cool plate but as I had the PEI in place which it detected as an error but gave the option to ‘resume’ which then followed the pull back error.

I’ll experiment it’s possible there’s a bug related…:thinking:

Started testing a mod for filament wipe, so far so good, time will tell.

Testing 123…

Hot off the bed ABS, nozzle wipe worked perfectly…

100% infill single wall 10% overlap 90C / 250, not bad for four or five year old filament. Next will be to do a dynamic test…

Cooled and mounted….:grin:

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First PLA-C print for the AR Wing…

Just making my first litho lamp

Which one?