Big Club Meet 3-4 July 2021

These guys have their own field, their own FPV obstacle course, portacabins with facilities, parking, etc.

Wonder if they’d sell it? :thinking:

Might be worth a phone call to enquire about renting for a day or weekend?

There must be plenty of places like this all over the UK?


Maybe worth a call they can only say no
If they say yes to hiring it, the cost is split between members :+1:


I would be happy to pay for a day or twos flying.

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That sounds like a good idea @PingSpike @kvetner.
So shall we let the poll run for one more week? Say ending Friday 6 March? Then as the weather will almost certainly be wet, then go from there @chrisjohnbaker @milkmanchris.
Poll link:
BIG meet. Location TBC. Time and date TBC - #51


Agreed Karl.

Next poll id suggest should be times of year (let’s pick 4 weekends or so)

So we will have an area and date to work with, just location to find.


For maximum amount of attendees i would suggest a date on a public holiday,so as to give people who work,a chance… just my 2p worth… :+1: :+1:


But public holidays are guaranteed shite weather, aren’t they? :smiling_imp:


Just don’t pick me holiday in Iceland/Denmark time PLEASE !
(6th May to 22nd) :pray:

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And kinawful traffic clogging the roads leading to our little aerial paradise :frowning:

Are least they will be heading the other way … from the centre of England to the coast. #Result!


West Lancashire :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I dont go that far on me holidays :smiley:

Does anyone???! :rofl: :rofl:

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So possibly 25th May weekend. Or sometime in June / July. We’re all entitled to annual leave!


Phew !, that was close ! :sweat_drops: :cold_sweat:

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I get 12 months every time !

If its going the way it is, we may need to call on @Steviegeek to pull a favour near Twycross. Steve, I’m sure guys here will chip in for fees etc.


I’m a member of a Flying Club situated a few miles south of Twycross Zoo, so central England, nearest motorway M42 J11

Our flying field is in agricultural land, surrounded by hedgerows and trees to one side.

Nothing pretty, such as coastal or interesting buildings etc. but we do have a Solar Farm close by :smile:

What I’m trying to convey is it’s a safe place to fly but nothing special.

The club holds guest events occasionally throughout the year, main one being Scale RC Helicopters (we have some superb machines coming to that one)

Facilities include, club house (large portakabin), chemical toilets, Burger van available, a few FPV gates (about 6 or so)

No restrictions on barbeques etc. and for a weekend event camping is allowed.

If there was enough interest in this site being agreeable, I could approach the committee along the lines of organising a week-end multirotor flying event for them.
A few of the club members have a mild interest in UAV’s and would be eligible to attend also.

Not an ideal site I know but just chucking this into the mix for discussion.

Steve :slightly_smiling_face:


That seems to tick most of the boxes. Ideal for PfCO style flight tests :slight_smile:

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This sounds good to me too, if the dates work out I will travel North or South.

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Sounds ok to me. Not far from my dad’s in Coalville, so can travel down to his the night before.