Day time Visibility

Just Wondering has anyone got any good ideas to make the mavic mini 2 more visible in the daytime, I know most of the problems are its size, such a pity great little drone in many respects, very happy with it :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Check these threads:

And: Search results for 'Strobon' - Grey Arrows Drone Club UK


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Another plus one for flytron crees massively help vlos in daylight.

I have one of these, it is very bright and does not push my mini 2 over 250g. However the placement of the strobe on the top does not make it easily visible in the day!

DR-02 Strobe Drone Light Compatible with DJI Mavic AIR 2 Pro Inspire 2 Pro etc, 3 Color Adjustable Anti-Collision Light for Drone 3KM Visible, Mini Dr

Maybe tie a kite tail on it? :joy:


I have Just Ordered a few bits from China ie Strobe lights, they are the button cell Type, im just going to try them see what i can do & as i have another drone a larger Parrot i can always use them on that, the 250 Gram limit is a pain but it makes more sense to me to have Better line of site than a few Grames of Weight & after all it is only a bit of weight.

Hi John I got a strobe for mine they do help
Regards Dave

To help with vlos it needs to be on the underside really.

I have my flytron crees on the underside of both rear arms so not only does it help with vlos but also helps with orientation (even more so as I use 1x white and 1x red).

Hi Dave,I have Bought a few bits from china see what works, Much Happier with this drone, more confident just get a bit nervy when i take it high up probable Because i caint see it LOL.

I tried the button cell type and found them to be terrible.

I ended up buying a few strobes and they’re spot on.

I.also.wrapped mine in bright yellow. Much more visible these days

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Ihave ordered a few types but ill get a yellow wrap aswell

Fly when it’s cloudy! Not being flippant: I find it much easier to see the Mini 2 silhouetted against grey than blue.

I use the Flytron strobe with the supplied velcro pads. They seem to work fine.
Dayglow stick on body cover helps too.

I find clouds harder than a blue sky haha