Frustrated with rules & regulations

Yes Rich that’s the place mate :+1:t4:

It is a National Park, I’m guessing the same if not similar rules apply? :thinking:

When I first started to fly radio control in 1983 nobody ever had anything bad to say. It was all awe and wonder. Then the same when I revived my hobby in about 2000 until 2009.

By the time I got into flying again in March this year. I should’ve realised now in ‘post truth’ britain that RC flying has been hacked just like everything else.

So after about 100 flights I got a few fixed wing planes again. Havn’t even felt the urge to fly my Mini ever since I flew my EDF jet and 3D aerobatic plane. Then some awesome soaring at White Horse Hill with my slope soaring glider. Drones are banned at White Horse, glides are ok and people always love them. Last week flying at White Horse, it was blowing 12-18 mph. Perfect soaring weather. A couple of guys turned up with Minis and flew them right in the lift zone directly next to fast and heavy gliders. I wouldn’t fly my mini in that wind. The minis did handle it well but after an hour they were all flat. We were soaring from 1pm until 7pm non stop - no power jut slope lift.

I’m sure the guys with the minis didn’t know they were not allowed to fly. I’m guessing drones will be banned completely when we leave the EU.


The lake is not NT but nestles in Exmoor National Park . Follow the drone code, fly responsibly and honestly I cannot see the problem.

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Get yourself an RC Glider and you’ll never look back. :slight_smile:

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There may be additional rules for Exmoor NP that I’m not aware of but I even checked this before visit and guessed I was still compliant, but who knows😉


I’ve emailed them directly this morning asking for there rules and regs, and also stating that I would like to fly there this weekend. I’ll let you know the response. :ok_hand:

Great, thanks.

I’m on the case as well, this from their head office but seems to either conflict or add more restrictions in what is stated by Exmoor NP as indicated on the PDF link I posted. I can’t find any policy from SWW despite asking for it locally and their head office.

…Please accept my apologies for your experience at Wimbleball today and the confusion caused

The landowner - South West Water will need to approve drove flying at any of our reservoirs

Would you like to me forward your contact details to them?

I too enjoy thermal and ridge soaring (2.5m ASW28 and 2m Warmliner) but the same ill conceived burocracy is making it into the traditional model flying environment. In this area we have a very popular ridge soaring site that has been used for this purpose for more years than I care to remember. As the pandemic broke in this country and lockdown measures were put in place the site was deemed out of bounds. Now that many restrictions have been lifted and the site is now available again to the general masses the powers that be have now apparently banned model flying off this ridge. As of this moment in time no reason has been given other than “Because we say so”.


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Yep. I’ve had similar comments from the cruise company here even though I would be well clear of them. They’ve had problems with tourists flying them irresponsibly off the boats so they now think they can control the whole lake. :joy::joy:

It just takes a few idiots to spoil it for the rest of us but slowly enlightening those in authority wins the day. Ignorance isn’t an excuse for us OR for them.


How can people still be so irresponsible? They spoil it for the rest of us with common sense.

So as long as you’re insured 3rd party minimum & fly, as we do, in accordance to CAA regs it’s fair game. I’d fly (obviously avoiding the wildlife reserve)


Awesome! I have a Multiplex ASW 27b. Still havn’t flown it since 2009 but cant wait to get it up again in a good nor’westerly.

I have been looking at a 1.5m CLM Trotter which weighs in at 200g to avoid the CAA rules.

Haddon Hill, to the south of the lake, is legally open access land, where you can enjoy any on-foot recreation that you like. There are also Public Rights of Way around some edges of the lake (red dashed lines on OS map) where you can do what you wish so long as you don’t cause an obstruction or nuisance.

There don’t seem to be any bye-laws for the Exmoor National Park, so the only other legal recourse they have to stop you flying on their land is to declare you a trespasser and ask you to move off it. South West Water can do the same for whichever parts of the land they own. Neither of them can legitimately ask you to move off a PROW, however.


Thanks for this. I have been walking around that area in the past and know it well. I think all of the comments relating to this thread (and others I have read) illustrate the frustrations we all have. We abide by rules as laid down by the CAA, we follow the drone code and our common sense as responsible drone pilots.

I agree that a very small minority can and continue to spoil it for us but that can be said of many other sports and hobbies I’m afraid.

I hear from another friend of mine that when enquiring about flying in another large park the owners were happy in principle (given he had paid his entry fee) but demanded ‘landing and take off fees) if he launched and recovered on their land (£5). That, ladies and gents is exploitation.:rage:

And thats a whole different thread

A post was merged into an existing topic: Has anyone been charged to fly somewhere?

My response,

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Fuck that, take off from the public footpath and fly to your hearts content in the free sky


We live in an “Ask and permission will be denied … because if we say yes we have no idea what liabilities we are opening ourselves to.” society.


I pursued this out of principle and am flying there tomorrow morning. After being pushed from one person to another I finished off with a guy named Steve who is a media and campaigns associate ( whatever the hell that is) and informed me that they required this…

Could you please let me know who, if anyone, you are filming on behalf of, what you intend to do with the footage and what date(s) you were looking to film on?

In order to consider granting permission for filming we would also need to see the following:

Proof of insurance (got)
Name of pilot
Flight plan

I rang him but honestly not a clue!?!

I used all the usual arguments, but blew him away with providing insurance, a copy of the ‘flight plan’ produced through Drone Assist and verified by Altitude Angel.

I’ll post some photos after I have been there.