Grey Arrows Drone Club to help CAA test new Drone Registration Service

Dear club members,

As you are no doubt aware, the CAA are currently in the process of building a new online system to enable drone operators to register themselves with the CAA later this year.

By November this year drone operators will not only need to be registered with CAA but they will also be required to pass an online competency test.

As part of this registration-building process, the CAA need to speak directly to drone operators in order to test designs, concepts and system prototypes of their proposed service to ensure the service they are building works for actual drone users, i.e. All of us.

We are pleased to announce that the CAA will be directly asking Grey Arrows Drone Club members for their help with this testing process.

Therefore, we would like to officially introduce you to @CAA_User_Research and confirm them as a Verified Account, the authenticity of which can be fully trusted:

It is in all our interests to make sure the system the CAA builds both works and succeeds. We therefore invite you all to participate in their upcoming requests for participation, which they will post here on our forum.

The Grey Arrows Drone Club continues to promote safe flying and to reinforce their backing of the current Drone Code, we are now listed as an official supporter on Drone code - Dronesafe

Please be advised that the @CAA_User_Research account is not here to answer direct questions and at times the account will not be monitored. With this in mind, please continue to field any questions to the wider GADC community and where possible we will pose any unanswered questions directly to the CAA through our existing channels.

Thank you in advance for your support of this process.


The Grey Arrows Drone Club Committee.


You’ve been busy then and we have our logo on there site too
Well done


We have indeed - Thanks Jeff :+1:t2:


Happy to support when requiredđŸ‘đŸ»


That’s great news !, lets hope our thoughts and ideas go to make our hobby safer for all serious drone operators, and that it will allow for the “Knob head” element to get their just deserts if they fall foul of the system that is implemented later this year.
I welcome, and will participate in any future developments that may be required.
Well done the GADC Commitee Members in getting our great forum up there with the Big boys !.


Here’s a question @PingSpike , as pfco operators are already known to CAA do we need to register again also? I wonder!?

Happy to help test the service though!


well done guys ,


It’s great that we’ll have the opportunity to contribute to the testing, so well done to the CAA for asking us. Well done too, to the committee and the wider GADC community for being such a sensible bunch in our postings which must have impressed the CAA enough for us to be invited to contribute to the process.


Yeah, it was kinda the other way around :blush:

We put a lot of time and effort in to meeting and talking to the right people over the course of several months in order to get this in place for our lovely members :slight_smile:


Really good to hear about this, well done to all for ‘pushing’ this forward :clap::clap::clap:


Kudos to you guys, I didn’t mean to imply otherwise. I think that the success of this site is directly proportional to the skills and effort the committee and admin put into it. Big thanks to y’all.


Well said that man :clap:
I’m sure during those meetings and negotiations they looked at GADC and realised it wasn’t one of those forums full of backbiting and bitchin. Well done for taking the initiative and approaching them and giving us the opportunity to test what is to come.


Perhaps in return we could ask you all for your help too.

Would you be able to help spread the word through your social media channels where possible?

If you could share this simple message on your Twitter, Facebook, Insta, etc we’d be grateful:

Grey Arrows Drone Club members to help CAA test new Drone Registration Service -

Or even other drone forums or clubs that you frequent?

The more eyes we can get on the registration testing process, before it’s finalised, the better for everyone involved in our hobby :+1:t2:


This is the best news I have seen for all drone flyers for a long time. A true reality check for all of us. Thanks committee


Facebook done Rich


Thanks, Chris! :+1:t2:


As if we would :zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face:

And if any of you have popular YouTube channels (@StevenPSCC, @ianinlondon - anyone else guys and gals??) it’d be great if you could spread the word that hobbyists are being listened to by the CAA in order to ensure the registration service works for everyone :slight_smile:




Thanks Colin

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