Not good in Chesterfield either, or up on the peaks or around Derby.

Or for that matter anywhere really…

Shall we postpone then ?? :frowning_face:

@notveryprettyboy what are you :thinking:

I could tidy my garage instead :man_shrugging:

Euthanism ?

No, I could really do with tidying my garage
@notveryprettyboy will vouch for that :laughing::laughing:

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Hi there, i would just like to introduce myself. I have just joined. Only had a drone for less then a year. We are in birmingham and would be happy to come to any drone meets that are in distance to us. Sorry i can not recommend any but still trying to find some myself. Hope you all do not mind me posting here. Thanks

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Hi, Welcome
What do you fly? DJI style camera drone or home built FPV screamer?

One of our moderators will be over shortly to give you the formal induction :laughing:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Introducing myself - Birmingham

3 posts were split to a new topic: Introducing myself - Birmingham

A post was merged into an existing topic: Introducing myself - Birmingham

Ok. Tomorrow is looking worse. I’m going to say I’m not attending, even if others are.

Monday is possible and the weather looks good. I won’t to be going far though as i have stuff to do in the early evening and I will be without brendan.

OK I’m saying the same, keep it for a better day👍

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title updated :+1:t2:




Yeah sorry, been busy. I agree, going to be wet and windy tomorrow

You’ve got no staying power, you lot!

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The problem is you need an inside type bando that can hold around 20 people with maybe 4 or 5 flying. not many places like that exist. I can think of 5 possible bandos near here that are inside and might be good for 4 or 5 pilots.

Better to wait for a sunnier weekend, even if the temperatures are arctic level.

Also i have nothing flight ready. Everything is metaphorically and literally in pieces.

Loxley can be good. But police turned up when I was there!

Yeah, it depends on when you go and how many people are there. Security are generally ok with people flying, but i’ve never encountered them personally. I’ve never had the police turn up though. It’s rare for the police to travel that far out. Probably some local reported it.

Cannon Brewery is another one that’s big enough to fly inside, but only for a few pilots. Or the old building behind the skate park across from it.

There used to be some old steelworks buildings out towards Rotherham, but most have been pulled down now or well secured.

I think a camping meet later in the year would be better, or more than one, maybe do one down in each area and hit all the stuff in it.

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See if Magna will let us in? :rofl: