RTF Photo Competition OPEN - 20/09 to 03/10

:joy: That was me holding back on the colour too.

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Now added with a short video too.


Perfect, :ok_hand: thanks. Great video too looks like an amazing location. I’ll post a link here to it just to make it easier for me next week when I do the leader board totals. :+1:


Cheers :+1:t2:

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No daily updates ! Maybe I expected too much :wink:


Maybe when there’s a few more entries :wink:
yours isn’t uploaded yet? :smirk::+1:


This isn’t one of your fancy, high-class official challenges, Chris

No high-tech supercomputers or giant laser scoreboards. Just Steve and me, keeping it real. :metal: :metal:

We will do you a deal. You can have updates

As soon as you and the rest of the committee have submitted your pictures … :sunglasses:

And, if you know any FPV flyers, can you get them to put some snaps in the comp too?


@notveryprettyboy thats you ;o)

See what the weekend brings


My entry…

Captured right now.


Wow! Nice capture Callum :ok_hand: :smirk:

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Quite proud of that one myself mate.

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Fine. Remember to add a drone code compliant take=off point to Dronescene for three additional likes - also, you need to like a minimum of three other pictures.

As a matter of interest could you send the exif data for the snap?

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Were you on that boat im guessing :smirk:


Guys, the original concept here was to have a reason to get out and fly again, hence the RTF name.
I think you should amend rules to say that all entries must be taken from a flying ‘drone’

Steve :slightly_smiling_face:


Bit harsh, calling @callum’s piece of work a mere snap

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Removed mine, will post it elswhere, must stop working 60+ hours a week and go out with the drone :+1:

It’s still a great photo Mick, :grinning:

Steve, I emulated Saint Boris in believing in the common sense of the Great British public and, in this instance, that subset of the GBP known as GADC members.

However I find I have to take the Johnsonian stance of cracking down hard, arbitrarily and without reason and point out that rule 12a had been edited out of the final draft of the rules by person or persons unknown and is now restored

Rule 12a reads:

Images submitted must be taken with a camera attached to a drone which must be in flight. The image must show by position and / or movement that this is the case.

Image refers to a digital photograph or video. Not a mezzotint, an engraving, an aquatint, a sculpture, a pencil sketch, water colour, acrylic, gouache or oil painting. Or any other clever rule-bending device that warped minds may dream up :slight_smile:


Welcome to our world


I spent four years at art college, six years in an advertising studio and five yeas in aerial photography.

I have earned the right to be blasé about photographs. Which is why Tony Snowdon, Don McCullin and I refer to them as “snaps” :slight_smile: