The development of Drone Scene continues!

If you can guarantee us at least ten locations will be added to that category within 7 days of it being created, then yes, you’ve got a deal :+1:t2:

You don’t have to add them all yourself, you can seek help from other members :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if Open Street Map has topography data available, I’ll see what I can find out.

This is actually by design, to keep things compact on the Drone Scene site.

The issue with formatting is more apparent inside the map pin info balloon, we don’t have much screen real estate to play with, especially on mobile.

I’ll experiment honouring the formatting in the main description and keeping a compact description in the map pin balloon.

Will get back to you in due course.

Thanks for the continued support from everyone who is populating the map, we’re at over SIX HUNDRED locations now :clap:t2:

Keep the feature requests coming!