Drone Scene Updates - February 2025

A new version of Drone Scene has been released :tada:

(Missed the January update? Take a look here!)

What’s new in the February 2025 update? :thinking:

Read on!

New Feature :partying_face:

• Display member details in Location Details Panel

– Requested by @milkmanchris

We’ve added a shiny new switch under the map which hopefully won’t need too much explaining :smiley:

Switchy McSwitchFace

This is the Ronseal of switches as it allows you to quickly toggle between displaying Location details or Member details.

Sliding the switch over to Members will display the profile details of the members that are visible on the map at the time.

As you pan around the map and zoom in / out the details of the members are updated in realtime, based on the members which are visible on the map at the time :clap:t2:

When you slide the switch over to Members we also turn off your other layers, to give you a clear view of the Members.

Sliding the switch back to Locations will turn your previous map layers back on.

You can add yourself to the Members Map by updating your profile.


New Feature :partying_face:

• Click on Member Details to centre them on the map

– Requested by @DeanoG60

Further to the above new feature that now displays member details below the map, @DeanoG60 suggested clicking on the member name should automatically move the map and centre it on that member, so you can quickly see exactly where they are.

We’ve added a reminder popup here for you too.

And clicking on that person will then centre the map on them.

Thanks for the feature request, Deano!


New Feature :partying_face:

• The “Recent Locations” details section now only displays the locations you can see on the map

Requested by @Crackerjack

When zooming in and out on the map, the “Recent Locations” panel below the map always displayed, well, the recently added locations :blush:

Andy @Crackerjack thought it would be a great idea if the details listed below the map reflected the details of locations that were visible on the map at any given time.

We thought this was a great idea too :star_struck:

We’ve updated the Locations section below the map and put some changes in place that now update the details of the locations with only the details of the location markers that you can see at the time.

This is done on the fly, as you zoom in / out and pan around the map, ensuring only relevant information is displayed below the map :clap:t2:

Thanks Andy @Crackerjack for submitting a great feature request!


New Feature :partying_face:

• Get the coordinates for anywhere on the map

Requested by @cduncan

Carmel @cduncan suggested it would be useful to be able to see or find the coordinates for any given point or place on the map.

We’ve expanded our new Circle Tool to now also display the co-ordinates of where you click on the map.

To find the coordinates simply turn on the Circle Tool:

Then click anywhere on the map to place the circle / pointer.

The coordinates are now displayed in the box at the top left:

Even better still, if you click on the displayed coordinates they will be automatically copied to your clipboard so you can paste them anywhere you like :clap:t2:

Thanks for submitting a feature request @cduncan :smiley:


UI / UX Change :desktop_computer:

• All other map layers are now turned off when clicking the Members Map link from the forum

– Requested by @OzoneVibe

If you use the hamburger menu on the forum to jump straight to the Members Map on Drone Scene we now turn off all other map layers, leaving just the Members Map layer on.

This gives you a clutter-free view of the members and where they are.

But don’t worry, you won’t need to manually turn your preferred layers back on again manually :sweat_smile:

Just click the Switch back to your own preferred layers? link at the top of the page and we’ll turn back on the layers that we just turned off:


UI / UX Change :desktop_computer:

• Added member Social Network details to their profile details

– Requested by @milkmanchris

When viewing a member on the map we now also include all their social media links to give them even greater exposure :partying_face:

Don’t forget to add or update your social media links on your profile to get even more exposure when we share your content on social media :smiley:


Bug Fix :beetle:

• Parking and TOAL markers were not being removed from the map when using certain tools

When you use the Local Authority Lookup tool or the Elevation Tool we remove all markers, all layers, everything from the map to give you a clear view for the tool you’re using.

The relatively new feature of Parking and TOAL markers were not being removed and were still visible :man_facepalming:t2:

Similarly, the Parking and TOAL markers were also not being removed from the map if you turned off the Locations layer :man_facepalming:t2:


Bug Fix :beetle:

• Hovering over a Location or Member icon on the map only shows their name once

– Reported by @Jhdee

John found a bug on the Safari browser which meant that if you hovered your mouse over a Location or Member icon it would only show their name once.

Hovering over for a second time resulted in an empty box with no name appearing :scream:

Thanks for the bug report, John!


Other Random Stuff :palm_tree:

• More “How To” videos added

We’ve added a whole bunch of new “How To” tutorial videos to help you get the most from Drone Scene.

Shout out to @ianinlondon for putting these together for us :smiley:

The videos are available on the /about page at https://dronescene.co.uk/about#tutorials


Other Random Stuff :palm_tree:

• New “Contact Us” page added

We’ve added a new Contact Us page at https://dronescene.co.uk/contact


Other Random Stuff :palm_tree:

• New “Payment” page added

Do you need to pay us for something? :thinking:

You can now do it with ease, using a variety of options, all available at https://dronescene.co.uk/pay


We hope you find this level of release notes / details useful :blush:

But don’t forget! :scream:

In order to use all the features of Drone Scene you need to be a Member of Grey Arrows Drone Club.

Membership is available from as little as £1.34 per month :blush:

As ever, please continue to enjoy Drone Scene and please keep those feature requests coming!


Re social networks, can we please add Bluesky.

Great updates btw - thanks for a great resource.


As per most things club related, if we get enough requests we’ll add it :slight_smile:

More discussion on social networks on this thread over here: Get recognised! Update your profile for better social media tagging 📣