New member from Lancashire north west of England

Hi there

Just recently bought a mini 3 pro to add to my DSLR camera to give me a completely different perspective of photography.

I live in the north west of England fortunately with no fly zones nearby so I’ve taken advantage of flying my drone from my home just to get used to it. So far so good. Last week I traveled to Haweswater and practiced flying over the water at the far end. I was really surprised how easy it is to loose sight of it, so within a few minutes I broke the first rule!

I soon found it and brought it back safely.

I’m constantly looking for tips YouTube being my first port of call, I’m hoping this forum will provide me some more information and advice. Thanks to all in advance.


Hi @Spadger007 and welcome to Grey Arrows :wave:t2:

Have you seen our members map? (Click the burger-menu in the top right) You may find some pilots living near you. Feel free to add yourself to the members map too :+1:t2:

We’re a well established club with many knowledgeable members so it’s very likely that any issues you come across will have been discussed here before. Our discussion forum has very powerful search features which should help you find what you need but if you get stuck you can post a new question in the Questions & Answers category.

Looking for recommendations of places to fly? Check out our interactive map on Drone Scene - be sure to log in to gain access to the full suite of features and map layers:

And please feel free to add locations of your own too.

Our Associates are able to enjoy a lot of great services for free but our Members are eligible for a whole lot more! You can find all the details about our Membership Benefits on our FAQ :smiley:

Welcome once again!

No such thing :thinking: where about are you referring to?

By the way Hi from South Manchester :wave:

Hi Mick, welcome to the best Drone forum I have yet found, awesome folks and lots of good info…

Congrats on the MINI3 Pro, got mine in August last year, love it to bits! I have been a photographer since my early teens, back in the 80’s, and the drone has completely revamped my photography, alth0ugh I do more video than photo nowadays - check out the work of those on the forum, there is a members YT channel, a Photo and Viddeo showcase area and a lot of places to ask advice…

I’m in Partington, on the SW corner of Manchester, so not a long way away… Enjoy the drone and clear skies!

Hi Mick @Spadger007 and welcome to GADC :+1: :+1:

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Hi Mick - welcome to GADC :+1: :+1: :+1:

VLOS to me there is no fly restriction zones a bit further away there is. I’m not flying that far from home.

I just wondered what area are you talking about and what restrictions

Hello and welcome to GADC.

Mini 3 pro, a great choice. I have one too. Will be great to see the drone shots you get along with any of your photography photos too. Be sure to share your content with us and welcome on in to what I have also found, is an awesome community :ok_hand:t3:

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South of Preston. To the north and west there is Warton home of the Typhoon and some smaller airports.
Because I can’t see it at a distance of 500m I limit myself to 300m

Just remember they are not no-fly zones, they are FRZ :wink:

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For a lovely explanation of the differences see this thread

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For no nonsense and excellent videos be sure to check out Ian in London and Windswept Robert
Both post excellent tutorials and advice
ps, stay away from the auditor videos you’ll be flooded with :rofl: They’re not very well liked by the majority of sensible people.

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Point taken still all new to me I need a list of abbreviations what they all mean.:+1:

Welcome Mick to GADC :clap: :clap:

Look forward to seeing your photos and videos

Hi, Mick
I’m from the Blackburn area and there are some great places to fly in the North West. This is a great forum with good advice and resource.


Yes looking forward to flying in the beautiful Ribble Valley I’ve cycled it many times and it doesn’t get much better.
Thanks for replying.
I’m on holiday in Spain next week getting the ferry to northern Spain. Not having much luck in registered yet.

This would be a good place to visit in the Ribble Valley.

Fantastic footage.
I often visit when we have overseas students staying with us. They also do an open day where they take you through most of the rooms which is very interesting.

A bit late but also in south of Preston, welcome to the group, you will be made very welcome.
Have you thought of joining us at the meet next Sunday?
North West Meet Up, 16th July 2023

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Regarding some of those rooms, I still have nightmares of them. Just joking. They were lovely. Even more so if they had windows with unbroken panes and heating pipes that were a bit more than lukewarm in winter.