What colour skin for visibility of my Mini 2?

Hi all

I’m having difficulty seeing my Mini 2 esp with the light grey against these winter colours. I have a strobe but in bright conditions it is still not great.

Thought a coloured skin might help… Anyone here had a variety of skin colours fitted to their drone/s and an opinion on what was more visible generally? I don’t expect that you can’t cover all bases here.

I know red hits the retina differently to other colours (Hence Red Ferraris) Yellow seems another choice being bright.

The Grey just makes it seem lost in the colour mix for me…

appreciate your comments


Hi, I’m looking for the same, I really like Red , but like you would like to hear from someone who has tried different colours.

This thread should see you right :+1:t2:


Thanks for the link @DeanoG60

i did do a search but you found it for me… thanks :+1:t2:

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TBH … unless the drone’s quite close, the drone is too small to discern a colour. It just remains as a spot against the much brighter grey sky.

Nothing beats strobes for visibility … and there’s more about them here …


For visibility in flight you need a dark colour, with bright areas for when you need to find it in long grass. Dark colours show up better against the sky, which is the reason all RAF trainers are now painted black :wink:

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I went for the Day-Glo Orange which is especially good when I’m on a cliff taking photos of Sea, Sand , rocks etc as its so different against the natural colours at the coast ( and in the sky for that matter ).


This is interesting @MartG1960

I think the darker definitely against the sky… just wondering against darker areas then… woods or thickets. I have seen a red set of skins… not overly bright either. I think it is all a compromise over what your flying against.

wondering If you can buy reflective red?

Thanks MartG1960

I’ll try and sort a pic out but I have wrapped mine black carbon on the underside and flourescent red top so if it ever lands unexpected it will help stand out too


now that’s a thought!

Controversial maybe, but don’t bother. Get some Strobon Cree Lights instead along with some clips to put on the back legs.


White ones probably work best for in the day/night. Although you can get red/green as well, which work equally as well at night.

Member Ashley can print you some clips, I got both the downward and rear facing to cover all avenues.


Hi I have fluorescent orange on the top and fluorescent green on the arms and legs, use a Strobon red cree and all I can say is that at any thing over about 90 meters is the strobe and a black or dark image, but drone looks great, :sunglasses:


I went for red. They are only cheap weights next to nothing and nextday delivery from Amazon.

It stands out well in the air or on the ground.

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I’ve heard orange is good because it minimises bird attacks. Grey is too close to pigeon colours. Orange is likely to deter them.


I find the below works for me along with a couple of crees on the back legs. Admittedly I only wrapped the mini 2 for something to do when I was off my feet for a couple of months last year, but I do think it helps with visibility.


I would go for dark underside and bright day-glo top, much the reverse of WWII aircraft, that wanted to blend in, so had light blue underside and camo upper. Then add a strobe on the underside.

Simple fact of the matter is, the Mini 2, is exactly that “MINI” the max height limit of 400ft, is for me a bit too high and while the mini if you keep your eye on it, is visible at that height, it’s light grey doesn’t help, but even if it were black, as pointed out earlier, it’s mainly the size that makes it hard to see… Very bright strobe lighting is definitely a nice idea, especially when highly visible even in daylight, however the best solutions are al ones that take the Mini2 over it’s max 250g and the cheaper (much lighter solutions) are just that, cheap and nasty.

Thing is, if you are seriously wanting to fly so far away from your location, that the drone is difficult to see, and you’ve tried strobes, then either you get your eyes tested, are flying to far away or you need to consider getting a larger drone.

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I’ve got me an orange skin

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where from please, @Chillibadger ?


@Speedie That sounds like a good idea. Did you get the photo posted ?

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